Guided by sound governance mechanisms, CABRI works to ensure the effective utilisation of its financial, organisational and human capital to meet the needs of its members and partners. Our values, approach and philosophy are implicit in how this is done.

Financial capital: CABRI’s funding base was strengthened over the reporting period by virtue of a growing commitment by member countries to honour their membership fees, and the renewal of existing, and securing of new, agreements. Grant agreements were renewed for an additional three years with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and the UK Department for International Development. An agreement was signed under the Good Financial Governance Programme of the European Union and with the German Federal Ministry of Development Co-operation. New partnerships were formed with the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Co-operation and The Global Fund, and negotiations were undertaken with the African Development Bank to finalise a 3-year funding agreement.

For the reporting period, our financial statements were audited in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards.

Organisational capital: To ensure that outcomes are aligned with strategic objectives, the secretariat measures performance against an approved log-frame on a bi-monthly, quarterly and annual basis. In addition, all events are evaluated by participants to assess relevance, quality and ease of application. Together with project reports prepared by managers, the evaluation reports are considered at bi-monthly project meetings and quarterly review meetings, both internally and with development partners.

Human capital: Three new technical staff members were employed during the reporting period, bringing the total number of full-time staff to 13. The addition of a new programme on public debt management, and a growing staff complement, necessitated the secretariat’s relocation to new offices, which was completed in December 2015.